The F Word


After reading the title, you’re most probably thinking that this post is going to be about the word ‘f**k’. But that’s where you’re wrong, because this post is actually about the other F word aka feminism.

Feminism is something I’m passionate about and is an issue I strongly encourage those around me to acquaint themselves with. Unfortunately a lot of you who are now reading this are probably rolling your eyes or thinking that you’d rather skull a bottle of bleach than read what I have to say. But if you’d actually like to become a more knowledgeable member of society, then why not hear me out?

Very simply, feminism is about achieving gender equality.

Most people uphold misconceptions of feminism as ‘male bashing’ or thinking that men are inferior to women. But this is all untrue. Feminism is about creating a world where men and women are eligible for the same rights and respect. Whether it’s out on the street, the workplace, the home, etc.

Feminism is not about gallivanting around thinking that we’re more superior than everyone else, hating on men and their entire existence or even the mentality that this world should be run by women. How ludicrous do those things sound?

It’s about allowing women to do the same things men are able to do, just without the scorn, the contempt, the unfair pay, and the blatant disrespect. An obvious example of gender inequality in Australia is the treatment of women in the defence force. An international example that’s quite well-known is the outright refusal or the increasing challenges girls must face in order to achieve an education.

I know a lot of people are turned off by the thought of feminism because of extremists, but you need to understand that a small group of intense believers does not represent the whole community.

Maybe it’s time people just stopped being ignorant and stubborn, and actually accept the fact that women can do just as a good a job as men (or in some cases, an even better one). Why should women be pigeonholed and told that they can only do certain things?

If after reading this, you’re still thinking that feminists are a bunch of crazy wackos and that you’d never associate yourself with this movement, all I have to say is that it’s honestly your loss. You could have been part of something life-changing. Something that could actually make a difference to a lot of people’s lives. But you chose not to, and that’s your problem.

But if after reading all of this, you’ve actually changed your mind about feminism and consider yourself to be a feminist, I think that’s extremely noble. I don’t want to keep rattling on, so I’ll just quickly mention some cool things you can watch/get to know about.

Phillip Island



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So this post is well overdue and the lil adventures in it actually took place at the end of last year during our “schoolies but not schoolies” trip. Thanks to some super rad people, a whole bunch of great memories were made here, which I’m sure will last me a lifetime.


The majority of these pictures were taken at a range of secluded beaches down in Phillip Island. We originally parked our cars at the bottom of a flight of humongous stairs going up some sand dunes and just wandered around until we were satisfied. It’s a pretty hard place to get to if you don’t quite know what you’re looking for, as it’s a bit off the beaten track but it’s undoubtedly worth the hassle.

The bottom of the stairs opens up to a breathtaking beach and if you walk over the stones along the shore for a bit, you’ll soon encounter a few hidden caves. I will never be able to properly describe the sights that I experienced with my very own eyes, but they were truly beautiful. Imagine a wide bank of soft sand going straight down the middle. Bodies of shimmering salty water on either side. Green hills and lush vegetation lining the horizon. Rocky caves for exploring and cliffs overlooking the ocean. Smiles and good vibes all round. This was where we were.


Forrest Caves, Cowes.

So here’s to finishing thirteen years of schooling, becoming closer to your pals, and finding cool, new places.

Stay groovy x